Welcome to BFC
Believers for Change, Inc.
Programs and Services
These services play a vital role in fostering the growth and advancement of our community, collectively contributing to a more robust and promising future for all community members.

Restorative Circle
A restorative circle is an approach to repairing harm that has been done within the community. Participants in a circle are encouraged to be open and honest about their perspectives regarding a conflict. The 3 R's of restorative practices are restore, rebuild, and reconnect.

Healing Through Forgiveness
Healing Through Forgiveness is a transformative program that blends scientific insights with biblical principles to illustrate how forgiveness can foster mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. This program

Adopt a Grand
Intergenerational relationships between youths/young adults are mutually beneficial. These relationships provide both parties the opportunity to learn new skills and share their stories. Adopt a grand allows elders to pour into the next generation of leaders.

Youth Leadership Program
This course is conducted in person at our facility, where we aim to educate young adults about their heritage, fostering a sense of community engagement. Our program emphasizes the importance of understanding one's culture and history while encouraging active participation in community initiatives.

Financial Literacy
Teaching individuals living in marginalized communities the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, such as managing debt, budgeting, planning, saving, investing, and managing credit is a main building block for the future.

Checkmate is a program that not only teaches individuals how to play chess, but how to apply the rules of chess to everyday life's decision-making process. Chess is the oldest board game in the world which depict two opponents fighting a war with the objective of capturing the enemies' king.

We incorporate spiritual principles to instruct life skills and foster behavioral development for individuals aged 15-25. Our aim is to empower the youth and young adults in our community by engaging with them and nurturing their innate gifts and talents. Our discussions will cover a range of topics from life's challenges and the condition of the heart to gaining a deeper understanding of oneself and life's difficulties. Additionally, we will explore the nature of God and the invaluable gift of Salvation He offers in this life. Through this approach, we strive to enable our participants to become active and contributing members of their community.

Changing Communities One Block At A Time
Additional Services

BFC & TruConnect
are working together in the Community
For more information please call: Angel @ 414-242-4112 or BFC @414-629-0304
